User Rights
As a School Admin, you can add all Classrooms to School Signals.
As a teacher, you have the user rights to add classrooms for your class or classes.
Access the Add Classroom Button
To add a class, navigate to the Classrooms page. Click the blue Add Classroom button. Classrooms are added one at a time.
Add Classroom Interface
First, select the Audience for the Classroom. The audience defines the parents who will have access rights to the Classroom.
Next, add Classroom Admins. A Classroom Admin can manage Classroom settings and membership requests. Usually, the user would be a teacher, such as a subject teacher who also teaches the class.
You don't have to make another teacher a Classroom admin for them to access the Classroom. Teachers have an automatic user right to join any Classroom.
Add Title for the Classroom. The default title is the Audience name. You can edit this title with a unique name. As an example, a Pre-K class might be called "Caterpillars."
Add Description. The Description text is displayed on the Info page. It will be visible - along with any added banner images - for all parents using the School Signals platform for your school.
Add banner images. They will display on the Info page. Learn more.
Click Submit. The classroom will be immediately live.
As a School Admin, you can hide the Classroom page and continue making edits. To hide the Classroom, click the three-dot menu, and select Hide classroom.